Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Life

So it's time to start writing. At this point, I'm unsure what this will all be about, but I believe it will be about my journey with the Father. Some things just cannot be expressed but in writing. I've always found freedom in writing. Why I can't seem to blog consistently is anyone's guess, but I felt a very clear direction this morning that I need to write, and I believe this may be the easiest way.

The services focus this morning was Faith, Hope, Love for women. She is a gift to the world, a revolutionary, a lover, a dreamer, a fighter, a sister. She loves....

This is my focus right now. I need to dwell in His love. I need to be filled with His love. It is out of HIS love that I give. It is in His love that I find myself. It is in His love that I find my purpose. I will rise up. I will be all that He desires me to be.